Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Animal Wednesday : The Eyes Have It

This is a mini painting I did for the gallery and is now the only painting left at my etsy store. I love white kitties with different colored eyes. I'm pretty sure they know how cool they look!

Happy Animal Wednesday!


  1. So cute and such fabuous eyes.

  2. Well I just had to follow you back and say thank you for visiting and I hope you come again.
    White kitty is so sweet. I'll be back when I can look around a little more.

  3. I also love white kitties with different colored eyes and at least they're not deaf. I had a white one with beautiful blue eyes and it was deaf from birth.

  4. i've never seen one of these, mind you i don't look closely at any cats, they scare me - was scratched by a mom cat with kittens when i was small, no one told me not to try and touch her kitties.happy animal wednesday to you and wfs.

  5. It is lovely! And 'course those cats know they look cool. ALL cats do :) (about themselves, I mean)

  6. they eyes really do have it.
    and our animals are our teachers, no?

  7. Very sweet cat, the eyes are beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing,

  8. All cats know they look cool, but especially the white ones with different color eyes, hee hee. This is really quite wonderful. You really know kitties, you do such a great job capturing them.

    I have to say the comment you made on my primitive post literally made me LOL. Hilarious.I can just see you running screaming and laughing from a dangerously annoyed bunny. Thanks for sharing that story!
