Sunday, July 08, 2012

Abundance everywhere

Even in my struggles I look around me and see abundance everywhere.

My beautiful studio window with Chinese brushes from Marianne on display.

Some of my reference art books among gifts from friends.

A closer look.

Art from friends near and far...

Above my computer :)

My beautiful $10 find last year which I fell in love with. Today she hides a glass under her skirt with flowers from my yard.
She's quite happy in my dining room.

I love surrounding myself with fresh flowers.

My sweet yard with statuary I brought back from my yard in California.

On many Sundays, I take myself for country drives.
That's my idea of church. My peace.

I walk past these things every single day and there's not one moment when I don't say 'thank you.'

"Giving thanks for abundance is sweeter than the abundance itself."   ~Rumi~

Thanks for stopping by♥


  1. What treasures you have, and what beauty you are surrounded by. I am so glad you found Marianne and she you, and that KJ and JB are in your life. You are right - we are truly blessed each and every day.
    Love ya Lo. xxx

  2. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos, and I too love that little lady with the flowery skirt.

  3. Your post is very spiritual - calming and yet also uplifting. Lovely images, and words. The cat statue is wonderful! It is true that in so many ways most of us do have abundance to feel blessed about.

  4. What a beautiful studio. Filled with happy things.

  5. You are mightly blessed Lolo.

  6. Thats lovely Lo and it's great to look around and realize what blessings we have.

    LOVE that doll thing - WOW

  7. It is so wonderful to see the place that inspires you daily! Thank you for sharing this lovely place of beauty with us.

  8. Lo, the hydrangeas!!! i know you know how lucky to have so many, blues and purples adorning your yard and house.

    your beautiful $ 10 find is splendid. hmm, a flower skirt. why don't more people walk around with flowers on them?

    and finally, a word about abundance and gratitude. i am blessed to be your friend. thank you ever so much and always. peanut butter and jelly, starfish and seaweed: that's us. ♥


  9. All so beautiful. I love this window every time you show it. And that gal with the flower skirt, lovely. (And I thought I had a lot of books!) :-)

  10. A *visit* to your magical home - even by Blog - is always a delight....every room has its own special flavour...and the backyard....those Hydrangeas......heavenly! Wish I was sitting there now..... sigh...


    ♥ Robin ♥

  11. Lo, Your home and garden are so beautiful! Gratitude is a blessing. Have i told you, I love your header! We Raven girls have to stick together. xoxo

  12. Lo, Your home and garden are so beautiful! Gratitude is a blessing. Have i told you, I love your header! We Raven girls have to stick together. xoxo

  13. beautiful inspiring post dear!
    Yes I do that too when walking around in my home. First of all the roof over my head ( rain is pouring here now....:( )
    But all the things inside too.
    Love to walk around with you and share your feeling of abundance and see all your beautiful things again......and the studio. And ahhh that buddha!
    Nice to see some of my art is among your things. And new art. That piece Suki did for you is just amazing!!!!!
    Thanks for taking me on this walk:)
    Been ehre before but had no time to comment so I took the walk again today.
    Hope to be there one day again

  14. Truly thoughtful and inspiring. Amazing share, with so many beautiful keepsakes and color. I agree that it is so important to stop, pause and just be thankful in the everyday. :)

    I immediately thought of this quote after reading your post, simple yet true:
    "Be a fountain, not a drain" - Rex Hudler

  15. It is so easy to become complacent and even begin to think we 'deserve' all the things we have. We are all so blessed with even life! I just read a book about a woman who dies from cancer and the story is told so heartbreakingly by her husband. I think that life is a gift and all the other things are just added icing on the cake. blessings to you!

  16. Aaah, books, flowers, gifts from friends.
    Truly abundance, all.

    The lady with the skirt is just so clever,,,and oh my, the hydrangeas!!

  17. Beautiful, and gratitude is the appropriate response.

  18. Ahhhhh...what sheer delight to breath in some "Lolo-ness" spirit bountifully expands!

  19. Beautiful find with that doll figure. Delightful photos.

  20. So fun to see your digs, Laurel...and I'm totally jealous of all those Bologna Illustators Exhibition catalogs that you have on your shelf: I only have three!!

    I really enjoyed the raven with the jewels story too...great raven painting!
