Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Animal Wednesday: Gull-ible

Robin started a theme on Animal Wednesday today after seeing Mim's post so of course I felt the need to follow!
Here's a photo I took while living in Monterey. I call it "My Gullfriends."

And here is a very large painting I did called "Centering."
I was inspired on a walk at Asilomar one blustery day and this seagull just hovered in front of me, bracing against the wind. I knew right then that I'd go home and paint him!
I was lucky enough to have Asilomar right in my neighborhood.

Happy Animal Wednesday!!


  1. what i would give to have access to a witty gull-word just now! but all i can say is gull for it, my dearest wonderful talented friend. i've seen this large painting up close. it is gullingly perfect for any room in the house, especially a bathroom when there time to gullivantly dream/

    oh what am i saying this morning!!!

  2. I love watching gulls hover in mid-air. I've spent many hours at the beach shooing them away from our towels and food. :) And my kids loved to chase them when they were little. :) xox Pam

  3. oh this is great - and so good for Robin to start a theme on my theme! Maybe I should always post on Tuesday and set the stage...nah...may not be fair. it!

  4. Your 'centered' painting is gorgeous. Gulls are elegant in the wind. Such strong fliers. People can be so gullable when picnicing in the area with gulls. They feed them then they become robbers. I have seen a gull snatch a sandwich out of a person's hand.Funny but rude.

  5. Lo, wow! How fun to do a themed HAW every once in a while! I love this post...great photos - and the painting....sigh.... you have brought Mr. Gull to life....I can really see him hovering in front of you....

    This was fun!

    HAW to "Gullfriends" everywhere!

    ♥ Robin ♥

  6. This is really nice, the photo too!

  7. Yes you were. A shame we never got together when you were on this coast! Your painting is stunning and your group of gullfriends fun!
    HAW to you too dear friend.

  8. Love the painting. Very peaceful and serene. We have seen some seagulls at the duck pond lately. We are at least an hour and half away from the Ocean.

  9. yes, it is fun to see the different takes on the same animal theme. beautiful painting. I like gulls a lot although many do not and put them in the same box as pigeons, which I also love.

  10. I thought about this painting when Robin mentioned the theme!

    Love it !!!!
    LOve the idea that I saw in in person!

    The picture is wonderful as well.
    Too bad I have a mandala with seagulls as well but I already posted Sjimmie................

    HAW and love!

  11. So BEautiful!! Wow Lolo, this is my new favorite.



  12. guess who and you'll win a special prize

  13. Beautiful gulls, I wish I was one for one day! Great pieces both.

  14. Great Painting!! My husband always called them seagals or seagirls. I love the beach and this makes me yearn.

  15. Wow, WOW. This is gorgeous Lo. You have captured the gull perfectly. I love when they hover like that and centered describes it just right.

    It's funny how when you see or hear a gull you know the ocean can't be far off. This week my NYC girl found herself with a little time after cancelled class so she jumped on the subway and stepped off at Coney Island. She said when she heard a gull for the first time in 3 months she got a lump in her throat. She was back at the beach. ☺

  16. oh wow!!! this is so gorgeous!!! what a wonderful piece....I love the beach and the sea gulls!!! wonderful work

  17. I know seagulls can be pushy and obnoxious, but I still really like them.

  18. Centering absolutely captures the feeling of trying to do that--and getting there. This is a gorgeous post. Thank you.

  19. What a beautiful painting Lolo....
    Was very busy last week,but please don't think I forgot You,at our beach had also lots of gulls ,will post it better late then....
    How is Bliss doing?
    Big hug and a wet kiss from Mr.B

  20. The painted gull is majestic and reminds me so much of the central/northern coast of California. How lucky to have lived in such a beautiful place.

    Do you miss it?
