I usually try to come up with an animal related theme when contributing to the word of the week at Illustration Friday. Animals are such a big part of my world, it doesn't feel normal to leave them out of my posts. I knew what I wanted to do for this week's word, "Theory", but I first had to find the right model on Google. I was looking for an animal with a soulful expression to represent a point I'm going to make which is, I find it hard to believe there are people out there whose theory is 'animals don't have souls.'
Animals are known to make choices to help people, their own species, and often times other species. Animals come from a place of pure kindness unless someone has beaten it out of them. They're unjudgemental and love unconditionally. They respond to our emotions, and even if they're ill-treated, they're quick to forgive. They love us no matter how fat, thin, bald, ugly, or ignorant we may be. Animals are used as therapy aides in hospitals, nursing homes and classrooms all over the world. They can even detect when we're ill by picking up certain chemical signals our bodies give off. Many dogs and cats have been known to actually nudge their owner in a place where there is a growth starting, and thus saving many lifes. They lie grieving by the bodies of loved ones who have passed away, and many have waited for years and years by a door or on railroad tracks, wherever, for their owners to return, never knowing they passed away. Just waiting, waiting at the last place they saw them. It breaks my heart.
So, do I think animals have souls? You bet. They're pure kindness of heart and my life is richer because they're here.
Now look into this guy's eyes and tell me you don't see an old soul.
I thought so.
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acrylic and colored pencil on scrapbook paper for Illustration Friday's promt: Theory.