Saturday, December 11, 2010

Illustration Friday: Phenomenon

To me, one of the most unbelievable phenomenons is the march of the Emperor Penguins.
I'm sure most of you have seen the documentary by now. If not, what are you waiting for?
Their strong will to continue their species is like none other.
I don't know how to add a video, so click below to see the trailer of the film.

This was a fast little piece for me today, but seeing as "IF" chose my word I thought I'd better show up!

Happy weekend everyone!!

(acrylic and colored pencil on patterned scrapbook paper)


  1. Hi dear!!!
    What a fantastic painting!!!!!
    And that video!
    Can you believe we have this movie and I haven't seen it!
    Think Felix and I have to watch it soon!

    Once again love that painting!!!!!


  2. Lolo, this is amazing and my new fav or yours!! It is a WOWZER!!!!!

  3. You've captured the Mystery of the penguins especially well with your background, Laurel! And...great word of the week, thanks!

  4. Wonderful paiting,......
    Have to show you one day a picture ;))
    Thanx Santa,

  5. Gorgeous, Lo! I love the background, it is very chilly and magical. :) xox!

  6. the are regal never seen the movie but willput on my list

  7. They are amazing creatures. I like your rendition for IF. I hope you have a great weekend too.

  8. I love penguins, and they are the most amazing creatures!
    I think you captured it quite nicely..... :)


  9. Such a beautiful painting.....
    (but then, can you create anything but beauty)?

    I confess, I have never watched this film.....but you know what a "wuss" I am.....can't watch anything to do with animals if there is even one second of heartbreak....

    I love this though....and can anyone do "snow-related" paintings better? NO!!!!!!

    I love you.

    ♥ LS ♥

  10. Heisann! Great....piece of art, and I saw the film when it was released.
    Have a nice weekend ;:OD)

  11. Beautiful painting I love how you've done the background. Thank-you for the movie link it was really amazing. Happy holidays

  12. Wonderful piece, and I love that film, though it made me very sad.

  13. my god, how did you get this painted so quickly?! unbelievable.

    what a magical quality, just right for the season. i love how you captured SO MANY penguins. only the most talented artist could have done that.

  14. This is GORgeous!! Perfect for the topic too.

  15. What a wonderful penguin march!!! The snow adds the icing to the cake! Gorgeous!!!

  16. this is so very beautiful and i love the color combination.
    thank you for your kind comment on my blog and have a wonderful holiday :D

  17. This is magical! I love the touch of snow - it glows!

  18. This is so cool. I love Penquins... I love the color of the paper you used for this.

  19. You hit it spot on! Lovely work!

  20. ooooh!! that's awesome lo! i love it. you got the penguins just right!
    i love LOVE that movie and penguins too.we saw them (wild) in South Africa once, not the emperor, but still totally amazing. i would love to go to antartica too, but till then, the movie is great.

  21. I must try patterned paper! You always make it so beautiful!!! I have seen that movie and I too am in awe of the penguins.

  22. it's a lovely painting! enjoy looking at the atmosphere you created!very magical!:)

    p.s. thanks for the word^^

  23. ohh what a phenomenal piece of art!
    Love the colours and the winter night feeling of it!
    Great chioce of the topic, too!

  24. I do like colours and textures. The image is very harmonious although there are so many elements.

  25. I LOVED that movie - saw it with Grace and the boys (about 12 at the time) and one of them wriggled so much with boredom that he fell on the floor. Very funny, we still tease him about it.

    And I also, of course, love your painting - which is awesome and so Lo, and phenomenal!!

  26. Hi Laurel!
    First. I want to thank you for your visit.
    And then congratulate you for this IF.
    You have found a wonderful way to interpret the idea.
    And you did a beautiful painting. Congratulations!

  27. I loved that movie. Just as I love your painting...Laurel, I wish I was only half as talented as you are!

    I'm afraid to go to your Etsy know how that turns out, heh, heh!! But I'll bet you've got all sorts of new stuff on your site.

  28. Beautiful, and I love the butterflies in the tree in your top banner too. Lovely colors.

  29. That was an amazing movie. But your penguins actually look magical.

  30. Wow, very beautifully done!! Love the layers!

  31. Congrats on getting your word picked! This is so beautiful & magical - love the bkgd pattern & the momentum you achieved of those penguins marching along :>


  32. This painting has such beautiful color and a real sense of movement, of swirling snow!

  33. Very magical painting...says cold but not forbidding.

  34. thank you for this week's topic.
    you are wonderful.

  35. What a great painting! The penguins look wonderful and you've captured the magical atmosphere around the march of the penguins just great.

  36. really an eye opener for me.

    - Robson

  37. Love the penguins and wonderful colors of this. We got snow this morning, so happy.

  38. I left a comment on this piece over at your Flickr page. I marvel at the way you continually make our art world so beautiful. Great job on this full of heart! :)

  39. This is filled with animal love :D
    i feel it ;) Happy Holidays sweet friend!

  40. This has to be the best illustration for the word!! You always manage to make something so completely original - lov the background! How do you do it?! I simply haven't had the time this week as I've been away :( xx

  41. There was also a program about them on "Nature" on PBS last night that I hope you were able to catch.

  42. Thanks, Snowbrush. I missed it but I know they repeat things. I'll be sure to look for it!

    I'm usually downstairs in the studio or kitchen, hubby usually has the command of the remote control upstairs ;)
