Mr. Horsie decided to mosey over to see what was up.
She was playing peek-a-boo, I swear! She was a hoot!
I think this was her way of telling us the show was over and to run along.
Yeah, nice and subtle.
Happy Animal Wednesday! Or as she'd say it.....Heeeee-HAW!!!!
Dearest Marianne sent me my Quan Yin card in a pink sparkly bag. I just love her! And she also surprised me with this wonderful blue hydrangea ATC with a special message and drawing on the back. It was a perfect get-well message when I needed it. Thank you Marianne! Your heart is huge.
Marianne also included this wonderful postcard and sweet note. This image is so soothing to me.
And it all came in this beautiful Buddha card. It's an image I will look at often.
You sure do know me Marianne! Bless you for these gifts of the heart.
Then I was pleasantly surprised by our friend in Malaysia, Yoon See! She sent a whole assortment of goodies:a bookmark, prints and cards, a commemorative stamp in a fancy presentation, and 3 of her prints below.
Thank you ladies. I'll always treasure these gifts from afar, but mostly I'll treasure what your friendship has come to mean to me.
Blessings and love,
Pssst! Over here in the strawberries and ivy! It's me, Mortimer!
Come join me!
This is Little Nell. She doesn't want Summer to be over yet.
This is Gramps. He's really, really old and sometimes grouchy. Please don't tell him I said that!
Here's Mom and Dad. They sit under the lamplight on the front yard and protect us from Laurel's dog, Emma.
Just look at her! All fangs and ferociousness. Grrrr!
Happy Animal Wednesday, and watch your backside!
Lynn sent me this beautiful postcard sized quilt of a beach scene because she had a drawing for her blogaversary. See the beach umbrella and the sun and the waves? I just adore these mini quilts!! Thanks so much Lynn. Wowee!!
And she also bought me this sweet wall decor as a housewarming gift. She thought it might go on my sunporch but for now it's in my computer/art room.
I love it! Thanks for being so sweet KJ and for always being so thoughtful.
I really feel like someone or something is being left out. I hope not.
Excuse me, I'm going to go ice my foot now!
Thanks everyone, really. xoxo
and Queen Anne's Lace, wild vines that look like grapes,
Milkweed pods, still green and not quite ready to burst open.
And then I come home to these cuties who live in my yard.
Hi there!
Don't be shy!
All in all I'd say the walk helped lift my spirits. But sometimes change is just damn hard. Perhaps I'll do two walks today!