Sunday, April 10, 2011

Illustration Friday: Bottled

Bottled Season~ings

This was a bit of a tough one for me. At first (because I didn't pay attention) I thought the word was "bottle." So I went around my day thinking of "out of the box" ideas for the word. But then I saw a friend posted her entry and she used the word "bottled." AAAggghhh! That's different!
This is all my brain could come up with without resorting to the obvious.
I spent the day at the zoo. Maybe I should have just stayed with the monkeys a while longer!

Happy Monday (by the time you see this!)

for Illustration Friday: bottled
watercolor, micron pens


  1. How clever Lo! a very sweet drawing. i think maybe you like summer best?
    happy monday!

  2. the spring is so cute! happy monday!

  3. which zoo?

    anyway - I like this. I like the thought of bottling up those seasonal moments - not only the nostalgic ones (oh I wish I smelled woodsmoke right now) but also the awful ones. Like wishing for winter in the middle of summer and opening the bottle and getting a blizzard when you just wanted a taste of snow. You get the picture eh? it's a great concept.

  4. Very clever bottled. I would like to have a little more spring and fall in bottles. I hear it is all happening at the zoo.

  5. I love this! How handy they would be to have around. Especially on a cold winter's night - sprinkle some summer around the house. Great idea, lovely drawing, Lo! xox Pam

  6. I love it Lolo!
    I want the set that comes WITHOUT storms, okay??? Where you just open a bottle and there is a nice transition....not one that rips the flowers off your plants and trees!
    And I am all for joining you in the monkey cage~~~ya got room for one more???


  7. Lovely idea! Wouldn't it be grand if we could have our individual bottles of "Seasonal Scent"! Love Mim's comment...


    ♥ Robin ♥

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How do you manage to come up with these things? This is fabulous! I'm happy spring has arrived, although winter still has his claws reaching into the earth, but they're fading...

    Happy Spring my dear friend. I hope this finds you well!

  10. i love this! what a grand idea! don't you think people would buy these bottles even without a guarantee? could i buy clarity, passion, exuberance, wind, rain on a tin roof?

    the possibilities....all because you knew to draw some bottles :^)


  11. I love your take on bottle{d} - I hate it when I misread stuff!

  12. One thing for sure...ideas are rarely bottled up in your Muse's mind...this is brilliant...:)

  13. I agree with Margaret!
    Wow what a brilliant concept!
    Well you know I love all you create because all is special♥
    Home again.............The rainbow maker is turning again :) YEAH!!!!!


  14. Lo, These are wonderful! Brilliant!

  15. I'm glad I clicked to enlarge this one - I love the seasonal details.

  16. It's funny that you had difficulty with this...yours is one of my favorites this week! (I haven't come up with anything yet!)

  17. so fun, if only we could uncork them when we in the mood for spring or winter.

  18. Oh, this is such a great idea...bottled seasons!!! Very brilliant!
