Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Animal Wednesday: As the crow flies....home

Today is the last day to post anything I want to say other than commenting on other blogs.
This has been an interesting 'packing up and tossing away' of memories.
The sheer physical work of a move this size is enormous, but the emotional weight that bears down on you is immeasurable. Even if you're the one that initiates the move, it still has significant impact.
As I was going through papers I came across this quote that I had on my bulletin board in my first studio. It's powerful to me.

"If you wait for a better time to create, better than this very moment, if you wait until you feel settled, divinely inspired, perfectly centered, unburdened of your usual worries, or free of your own skin, then forget about it.

You will still be waiting for tomorrow, and the next day, wondering why you never managed to begin, wondering how you did such an excellent job of disappointing yourself."

I hope I heed these words and get those paintbrushes out of the box as soon as I land on the other side. If not then...when?

Thanks for coming on this ride with me. It will be interesting (as some of you have said) to see what the move brings out in my art.

Please stay tuned!


  1. i have walked this with you with many good and bad memories of emigrating to the uk 23 years ago, packing up our whole home, giving away our adorable dogs....sob... and leaving south africa forever. it was traumatic, yet has brought so many wonderful things and people into my life....peace go with you my friend, and can't wait to 'see' you and mim and kj meeting!

  2. Bon Voyage Lolo. I hope the move goes smoothly. We will be awaiting your return to blogdom. You know I am there with you in spirit helping smooth the way with positive thoughts and prayer.

  3. Laurel...

    Have a safe journey...Please keep us posted to how you are....HUGS..

    Sonia ;)

  4. Is this crow coming with you? Bon voyage!

  5. i love you.

    that's all i have to say.

  6. Such powerful words, beautiful, so true!
    I wish you all the very best for your move and the new house, yes, a task and a half physically as well as emotionally...

    Best of luck to you, dear Laurel !

  7. wow. I am so there with you on this move. It was quit tramatic moving here from SO CAL. especially since it was my home since birth. Nothing here that had memories like there. But I am happy, and it was a good move but it did take awhile to get back to painting. I wish I had had that quote you posted. Even now I can use that. Thanks for sharing it. Bon voyage and have a safe trip.
    I am sure if Lynn wasnt on trip she would be wishing you the same and to enjoy the scenes she is enjoying and crying at for the sheer beauty.

  8. Dear Lolo, I can not imagine you stagnating for one minute. Everything you say and create is filled with love and meaning. In a world where it's sometimes hard to find meaning, you shine like a welcoming beacon and you give comfort like a favourite sweater and you inspire like the unique and beautiful artist that you are. Even if you are not physically creating something you are still creating :) Big love, valgal ps i look forward to that dinner...

  9. Your flight to a new shore is indeed a migration...a continuation...an expansion...a new perspective...Your paintbrush will never leave your heart-it is your touchstone...your palette will be of new hues but it will still shine with beauty...and your words will continue to rock the very core of our souls...each and every word and to each and every one of us!

    Fly with sweet exhuberance and hold fast to those fond memories for they sprinkle your way with hugs!

  10. Dear Laurel,

    What I wanted to say was that as I look around these walls and on surfaces and in boxes, you are here. You will always be here. What I almost forgot, was to look at my own art. As I do, memories flood and I recall that within the perimeters of each canvas, you are here as you were when you guided me through each piece. These walls not only contain wisdom; they contain eternal friendship. They are living walls.

    I will be in contact as you are en route, in process, in anticipation... I will not say good- bye again, but wish for you both to fare well. I will leave you to complete in peace, the last clearing of this western life.

    You know how much you mean to me, though my physical presence was absent many times over the years. I think that through the magic of e-mail, we will carry on our dear friendship and I will hear how well you are doing.

    Dear Brian,

    I thank you for being the good and true partner for my dear friend who through the winds of fate, you accompanied , many years ago to this west. Thank you for sharing your loved one with all who have crossed her path.

    You are a unique man; likable, lovable,communicative, humorous, clever, brilliant and patient. I admire you and entrust you as you again accompany my friend back to your beginnings in a new light.

    Know that I wish you both well and for you to reunite with family and friends; happily and build anew.

    I am honored to have known you.

    To Both,

    Unconditional love and god-speed.


  11. catherine, i needed a reason to cry and you've provided it. i can feel your loss through my keyboard. she's a dear person, this lolo girl...

  12. Oh dear, what a beautiful post!
    Big hug from me I will be with you when you travel. Wishing you a good and safe journey!
    Please drop by on your way so I know everything is ok with you!
    One deer just has been born here , the second one will come soon. Maybe tonight but certainly tomorrow.
    How's that for Animal Wednesday!
    Will post a picture!

    Take care big big hug!
    What can I say.
    love you!

  13. Two profound thoughts for me today Laurel.

    One the quote is absolutely so true and I love it.

    Two the comment on my blog that you wish I was just the messenger and not the patient could not be any fucking truer. I wish the same.

    I so wish the same.

    Have the most excellent adventure. Drive and come back home and have so much fun. Be at peace because I have all my wishes and prayers in you arriving safe and sound and so I believe that will happen.

    Love you so much.

    Renee xoxoxo

  14. Road trip! Ok, that wasn't so funny. At least you don't have to move in a covered wagon......Be safe, enjoy the ride!

  15. Oh, I can only imagine, but when I do, I know it is very, very difficult. Will be thinking of you, wishing you a smooth, only happy events as you make this trek. We will all be waiting here, probably not patiently, but will be here eagerly for you!!!! I bet you will have some interesting art that reflects this moment in your life. Be safe....big hug :).

  16. sniff...sniff...goodbye for now. but just for now...sniff...


  17. Love the crow and I love the quote.
    May you have a wonderful and safe journey to your new home. Blessings.

  18. Best wishes for strength, determination, a sense of adventure (and a sense of humor) with guffaws as needed. Can't wait to see where you land. DH and I are contemplating a similar relocation (dislocation) when retirement comes. ... a little like jumping off a cliff!

  19. Just some prayers travelling on the wind.


  20. I just moved two doors down and it wore me out...you're one tough cookie...get back to the painting board as soon as you give your feet a rest...that is a looong walk...

  21. I see here and there some comments of you, so I know you are alive and kickin!
    I really think a lot about you!
    Hope you are having a good travel and I wonder how Emma and bliss are taking the journey........
    I will be so happy once you are "Home"!

    love >M<

  22. Raven sister I am so happy to hear that you are on the move.

    I hope you are taking lots of pictures and also; not being a backseat driver.


  23. Exciting times.
    All the best for you and the animals!

  24. the travel will be a good transition time - Damn...I hope the sun comes out by the time you get home.

  25. Happy animal Wednesday Lolo:)
    Yeah, I hope all are in order:)

  26. You are so hillarious. Of course your driving, after all you're me.

    Happy Canada day to my fellow Canadian.

    Love Renee xoxo

  27. HAW Lolo!

    Got your parcel today but I will open the beautiful box Saturday! (can't wait.......I am so curious....)
    You are such a sweetheart that in your most busiest time, while packing up your last things, you have been thinking about me.......
    You are too good for this world!

    much love

  28. Way to drive; driver.

    Have a wonderful visit with your sister. I'm sure you will.

    You are so right Jacquie is absolutely the most loving person I have ever met.

    Love Renee xoxo

  29. she sits in front of her laptop, the grey skies fighting to open to light, the ocean just a block away, and she thinks about her wonderful friend, how she will run to greet her, how she will smile at the easy going comfort they have together, and then she thinks, 'drive safely, sweet friend.don't miss the moments..."

  30. Hello Laurel - hope all has gone well with the move and that it wasn't too taxing! Looking forward to hearing from you again when you're settled.
    Caroline xx

  31. I hope you are all moved and unpacked and relaxing. Its an upheaval alright, but it always keeps getting better I believe.
