Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Animal Wednesday : Hey, who's that?

I found another image to use for this week while I was looking at my website. I'm often asked to paint client's pets on their walls in life size. Crazy, huh? So this is a Corgi named Tessa I painted in a little girl's room. She was my biggest critic but nodded her approval once it was complete. Woof!
(Please go to my other entry below.)

Happy Animal Wednesday!


  1. aaaah so cute, although corgis are not my favourite dogs.

  2. That is so sweet and what an unique idea, painting on the wall. I bet you made that little girl very happ.


  3. that really is a great idea, I'd love to have pets on my walls. I never liked corgies until I met one and love them now, such adorable animals.

  4. This is so FREAKIN' CUUUUTE!! I love corgis! My sweet Sunshine is half corgi, and I think they are such funny looking little dogs. I love them. They are great companion dogs. You did an awesome painting and likeness of Tessa.

  5. Knowing what we both can do, I imagine she really DID give you a tough time as a critic while you were painting. Probably yakked away--do this or to that. Hee hee./

  6. Those are always so fun to do and you do a fabulous job Laurel!

  7. cute post! and beautiful painting as well, i'm glad the doggie loved it too, haha!

  8. But how difficult! You must have been all hunched over, cross-eyed. It's a nice idea for children.

  9. Awwwwwwwwwwwww! That is the cutest corgi i ever saw!!!! Hee hee heee! I just recently realized that I adore corgis, after meeting a couple while Tom and I were coffee-ing a couple weekends ago. They are crazy cute, and your painting captures that to a T... tea...tee...well, you know what I mean.

  10. Ahh so cool!
    Great job! I love murals!

  11. This is really sweet! I would love to have Sully on the wall at work so I could pretend he was actually there.
