Saturday, July 19, 2008

IF : Enough Already

I'm warm rain

easing pain

quelling fears, drying tears.

I'm 'end of summer August'

hot and sticky



beckoning anyone who'll listen.

Enough already.


(Quick poem and collage for Illustration Friday's prompt: Enough. Pity party for poor old, burned out me, feeling a need to replenish my own well.)


  1. Good grief! You are a master of collage, too?! Are there two or three of you?! Fabulous result - very, very cool!

  2. Oh my, I feel your tiredness in this image. Wonderfully done! Now ease your mind and body...namaste.

  3. Wow! So wonderful, and it packs a punch. I hope you get a chance to pamper yourself and heal.

  4. You expressed very well your feeling.

  5. Really wonderful post. Refresh and relax friend - if you know you need it - it's probably overdue.

  6. I really (really) (really) like this image. Very nice. And a poem to boot.

  7. This is just wonderful! I am even tempted to try something like this!

  8. fabulous works...
    both inviting us to ponder...

    "beckoning anyone who'll listen."

    and do we listen?

    whenever i come here i enjoy listening to the rain of colors, forms, words and thoughts...

    thanks Lolo for always refreshing our minds and souls...

  9. Gorgeous poem and collage. You have such a beautiful way of expressing yourself. Which makes me think:

    I may have told you this before, but it bears repeating. A friend of mine once shared a Persian proverb with me. I don't speak farsi, but the gist of it is this:
    If you don't water and prune the tree it will no longer bear fruit and give shade and shelter.

    Even caregivers need care. If you allow yourself the rest and rejuvenation you need, we'll all still have our Lolo!!

  10. thoughtful and sober. a wonderful piece. take care.

  11. You are one talented lady!
    You have a way of capturing the depth of feelings.

  12. Girl, go take a nice break! Little spooky collage; not your usual fare.

  13. Wow!!! Awesome poem and the collage!!! I can see them in each other. Quick is good. They have a yin yang feel.
    Peace and relaxation to you Laurel.

  14. Well, what is there to say after what ellen byrne has already?

  15. hey you's so nice to come here and read my comments! I can assure all of you that I'm fine, just pooped. I appreciate your concern. I feel the love!

    thank you xoxo

  16. beautiful compostion and colors matching created a tender and sentimental feel, and it go so well with the poem, great work!

  17. Poignant image and poem - beautiful!

  18. excellent idea and collage!!

  19. Any chance for a vacation soon? Or a weekend away? That might help with the burnout some. Great collage though! So never fear, your creativity's still goin' strong!!!

  20. what are we to do with you and me? both burned out, i will send you warm fuzzie thoughts and i know you will send me some too...chin up!
    fabulous entry.

  21. Oh, dear is so important to replenish the well! Just do it. Go off and get what you need. The rest of us can wait. You're too important in so many lives to neglect yourself. Put you first for a change. We all love you.

    Pammy xxooxx

  22. That is an awesome piece. Beautiful stuff.

  23. your work is wonderful even when you're tired... now go find a hammock and relax.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Very powerful piece, Laurel!
    Hope you can grab a few hours [hopefully days] of rest..

  26. I like the way this image draws you in. Its quite expressive.
    Along with those gnarley hot flashes, I have moods like this quite often these days. I'll be glad when this hormonal phase is behind me. I get emotionally spent.
    No, I didn't abandon once upon a dolphin. I posted an "IF" post there a couple of weeks ago. I just decided to wean it off of some of the personal posts and use it mostly for illustrations. So I started the pond blog. That's where I've been posting all of the bird videos.
    Again great image!

  27. ooh, cool and creepy! i like!

  28. This is a powerful image. Good job.

  29. This is really beautiful! Kudos!

  30. This is really a knockout, especially in hi-res where the pattern on the left complements the flower so beautifully.
