Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Animal Wednesday: "Big Sir" in Big Sur

This guy was the first in my "Purrmaid" series. I call him "Big Sir." Now that I live near Big Sur I get more of a kick out of the fact that I did this before I ever came to California! I'm a sap for tuxedo cats, and even more so when they have Purrmaid tails. He's got that squinty-eyed-paw-curling love goin' on! You can just hear him purr.

Happy Animal Wednesday!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cactus Monday already??

Man, this day sure sneaks up on me! Today I posted a photo here.
Happy Cactus Monday!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

IF : Canned Lights

Luminarias! Punched tin lights.

Just a quick one this week folks, and later than usual too. I hope you enjoy the message of the song.

Have a wonderful week!

Acrylic and colored pencil on patterned card stock

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Animal Wednesday : Full Moon Magic

A few years back I did a series of four "Purrmaids." This one is titled "Molly and the Night Toads." On full-moon nights, Molly would wander off to the lake to await her magical transformation. The Night Toads would cast their spell and for a few magical hours, Molly would be one of the most lovely Purrmaids in the world. Later, when she'd go home her owners often wondered where she wandered off to and how she got so wet. Ssshhhh, it's a secret!

Happy Animal Wednesday!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Cactus Monday # 12

I had fun with this one! I took acrylic paints and laid down the foundation of a seguaro on patterned paper. I layered colored pencil on it and used a blender pencil to soften the effect. Then I cut it out and mounted it on another piece of the paper, changing the direction of the pattern. Simple, but fun!

Happy Cactus Monday!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

IF : Enough Already

I'm warm rain

easing pain

quelling fears, drying tears.

I'm 'end of summer August'

hot and sticky



beckoning anyone who'll listen.

Enough already.


(Quick poem and collage for Illustration Friday's prompt: Enough. Pity party for poor old, burned out me, feeling a need to replenish my own well.)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Animal Wednesday : Spread Your Wings

Sometimes I have no idea where my collages are going to take me. I can't help being drawn to the images of ravens. I love their mystical, intuitive qualities. They seem so wise and cocky, mocking us every chance they get as if to say they know something we don't. They're just one of many species we have to learn to share this small planet with. In turn, they must learn to share the sky. I think we can learn a lot from each other.

Happy Animal Wednesday, my friends. Spread your wings!

Friday, July 11, 2008

With A Little Help From My Friends...

I was given an award from some of my favorite, most supportive blogger friends, Linda from
Sketched Out, Colleen from The Frog Blog and Joss from Forever Young. I hope everyone who's been a regular visitor on my site has jumped over to these places for a visit because if you haven't, well you're really missing some wonderful artsy action! The three of them make me laugh on a daily basis with their pictures and writing. They really have made my blogging experience a total joy and they've become a part of my daily life. Thanks, girls!
I'm supposed to nominate 7 other blogs but I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I want you to take a look at my list of inspiring friends over on the right side of my blog. I nominate every single one of them because if they've made my list that means they've touched me deeply with their art, their writing or a combination of both. And most of the comments I get really touch my heart. So go on, go see those wonderful blogs! I'll be right here waiting for you when you come back.

IF : Foggy

There's nothing like finding a place of solitude to clear your foggy head.

I love painting skies that are moody, like this fog-laden vista on an early autumn morning. This is an 8"x 8" canvas I just finished for my "3 Squares" show opening at Studio Lolo Friday, July 18th. I used acrylic paint, gel medium and gold leaf. This one just happens to fit this week's topic!

Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Animal Wednesday : Yin-Yang Kitties

This is a little old drawing I did a few years back when I was on a kick of sending out images for potential greeting cards. I used to get a lot of "positive rejections" telling me my art was refreshing, but nothing I sent fit anyone's needs at the time. One company (Design-Design) even said he wanted 6 of my images and then changed his mind. That killed me! So, there you go. The life and times of a freelancer. And so it still goes! HAW to all of my animal pals out there! (That's Happy Animal Wednesday to you newbies.)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Cactus Monday... here this week. Happy cactus Monday Cacuteers!

Friday, July 04, 2008

IF : Sour

When life gives you lemons....

This is a very old illustration I did for a greeting card design. Hopefully, I'll find time in my crazy day to get to the studio to paint something new!

Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!

acrylic paint/colored pencil on bristol board