Friday, December 07, 2007

IF : Little Things

So many images come to mind for this topic~some are whimsical, while others are just quiet observations.
I get most of my inspiration from nature. I love trees. I draw them, paint them, photograph them~can't get enough of them. If the old, stately trees could talk, imagine the history they'd share. The younger trees are just starting out, reaching towards the sky with so much hope and promise. Not much different from us in many ways.
I love the way the same tree looks so different in morning light as compared to dusk. It's these seemingly little things that are huge to me.
It's the little things that make up the big picture.
Be sure to check out my entry for this topic in my Moleskine!


  1. very, very lovely work and writing...I meet a man in Sri lanka who told that trees were always friendly with him...

  2. Beautiful tree. I can see her soul.

  3. Very nice. I love to study trees and their character, too. They can really set a mood.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. it's so very beautiful. serene. i love the twining. it reminds me of unconditional love.

  6. I wonder if the trees miss us when we move away? have you ever thought about going back to visit a tree you left behind. I did in Savannah. The spanish moss tree in front of Pulaski Square was my favorite tree ever. beautiful piece!

  7. Lovely, it is so gentle and serene.

  8. Nice compositions! I love youur colors and cropping.

  9. what a lovely and peaceful looking tree.'

  10. the colours are gorgeous, the words expressive.

  11. Odd or not odd- I've been thinking similarly about trees- specially in the past 2 weeks. Very beautiful sentiments and paintings here Laurel- thanks for the peace.

  12. Really nice, and you are a modern day Monet, of course. ;-)

  13. A very tender expression of little things. I sometimes let the little things get in the way of the bigger picture and that doesn't always work out so well. It is a joy to see how nature paints a different picture for us ;)

    Have a great week~m

  14. Ahhh-- lovely trees! I draw a lot of them too-- one of my favorite subjects!

  15. these are lovely ..i liked them both but i should say my fave is the blue hue.. and i certainly agree with your line It's the little things that make up the big picture..

  16. Like em both but really like the blue one...trees can make awesome subject matter when you have someone that can really 'see' them...

  17. your paintings and writing are always so lovely!
    btw, thanks a lot for your comment on my excess illo : )

  18. Lovely painting, and I agree -- it's always about the little things. :)

  19. Beautiful and tender rendering. Just lovely!

  20. Lovely illustration, quiet and peaceful.

    P.S. My chihuahua's name is Bella!
    Don't you just love those little dogs!

    Comment deleted for spelling error

  21. Beautiful work as usual, and lovely sentiment. Trees are among some of the most important entities on our planet. Your paintings are gorgeous.

    I'm with imwithsully, I visit the huge fig tree growing in a small Park in Ventura, CA, where I used to live. Seeing that majestic tree always centers me greatly.

  22. truly enchnating.
    but nature always is.
    happy holidays lolo!

  23. I can't stop looking at these. Beautiful

  24. I love the twisted branches. Beautiful!
