Friday, November 03, 2006

Illustration Friday : Smoke 1

I'm on my way to the studio to do a painting for this week's theme, but I thought I'd share this old card I made some time ago because it's so fitting. Again, it's a scan of a scan so the quality may not be so great...sorry! So, here's Lola and her smoking pets all enjoying a stogie!


  1. I especially love Witchipoo and Toadster, below! Are you going to post pix of your new studio once you're in?

  2. Thanks for the comments everyone!!!
    Karen, I never thought about posting pix of my studio. Hmmmm, I just may do that!

  3. I love all these smoking animals thatkeep poppong up this weekend. Sweet smoking doggy!

    pickled_jo lj

  4. I know what she is talking about ;)

  5. This is such a fun whimsical piece! I love the posh cat and the society dog! Retro ephemera rocks!

  6. It's so funny! I love it! Thanks for visit my blog!

  7. Great collage! Keep up the great work! Thanks for your kind words!

  8. Nice illustration. I don't smoke cigars or cigarettes or anything. I get all choked up at the idea of it. However I love tobacco art!

  9. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Other times not!! Ha!
